Some of the examples are to write a letter to the main character.Second, I have multiple journal responses that I use throughout the unit that are engaging and assess student comprehension.

Teach Wink by Rob Harrell: Journal Responses I like to keep definitions as simple as possible because when you use long definitions there is a low chance of student retention. Students are to write a simple synonym for the definition. I start by passing out a vocabulary sheet in which students have the page number and the vocabulary word. Wink is an important book that should be taught in public or private schools. It is a inspirational book about how a young boy holds the weight of the world on his capable shoulders. Most of the time he has puss coming out of his eye and he looks different than the other kids. Wink is an inspiring book about a boy who gets eye cancer.

Teach Wink by Rob Harrell is a step by step guide for teachers who want to teach the novel.

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